17세기 영시(17th Century British Poetry)
17세기영문학주제연구 I(Topics in 17th Century British Literature I)
17세기영문학주제연구 II(Toics in 17th Century British Literature II)
19세기미국문학주제연구I(Topics in 19th Century American Literature I)
19세기 영소설I(19th Century British Novel I)
19세기 영소설Ⅱ(19th Century British Novel Ⅱ)
20세기미국문학주제연구I(Topics in 20th Century American Literature I)
20세기영국소설(20th Century British Novel)
20세기영국문학주제연구Ⅰ(Topics in 20th Century American Literature Ⅰ)
20세기영국문학주제연구Ⅱ(Topics in 20th Century American Literature Ⅱ)
고대영문학(Old English Literature)
고전비평연구(Classics in Literary Criticism)
고.중세 영문학 특강(Old, Medieval English Literature)
근대초기영문학주제연구 I(Topics in the Early Modern English Literature I)
근대초기영문학주제연구 II(Topics in the Early Modern English Literature II)
드라마 이론과 비평 I(Dramatic Theory and Criticism Ⅰ)
드라마 이론과 비평 II(Dramatic Theory and Criticism II)
르네상스영문학(Renaissance English Literature)
르네상스영시(English Renaissance Poetry)
르네상스영시주제연구 I(Topics in Renaissance British Poetry I)
르네상스희곡(Renaissance Drama)
르네상스영문학주제연구 I(Topics in Renaissance English Literature I)
르네상스영문학주제연구 II(Topics in Renaissance English Literature II)
문화연구(Cultural Studies)
문학과 영상(Literature and the Film)
문학과 젠더(Literature and Gender)
문학연구방법론(Research Methodology in Literature)
문학번역 이론과 실제(Translation Theory and Practice)
문학번역주제연구 I(Topics in Literary Translation I)
문학번역주제연구 II(Topics in Literary Translation II)
문학번역과 창작(Literary Translation and (Re)writing)
문학번역가연구(A Study of Literary Translators)
미국소설주제연구 I (Topics in American NovelⅠ)
미국포스트모던소설연구(Postmodern American Novels)
미국흑인소설연구(Studies in African American Novel)
미국희곡 (American Drama)
번역과 권력(Translation and Power)
번역과 젠더(Translation and Gender)
비교문학연구I(Studies in Comparative Literature I)
비교드라마(Comparative Drama)
성경과 문학(The Bible and Literature)
성과 문학(Sex and Literature)
셰익스피어(비극) (Shakespeare (Tragedy))
셰익스피어(희극) (Shakespeare (Comedy))
셰익스피어 연구 I (Studies in ShakespeareⅠ)
셰익스피어 연구 II (Studies in Shakespeare II)
소설이론과 비평(The Theory and Criticism of the Novel)
애란희곡(Irish Drama)
여성주의영미시(Feminist Brit/Am Poetry)
연극사Ⅰ(History of TheatreⅠ)
연극사Ⅱ(History of TheatreⅡ)
영미단편소설연구(British and American Short Stories)
영미문학번역(English Literature in Korean Translation)
영미문학번역이론(English Translation Theory)
영화연구(Film Studies)
영연방문학주제연구 I (Topics in Commonwealth Literature I)
영연방문학주제연구 II (Topics in Commonwealth Literature II)
제프리 초서(Geoffrey Chaucer)
중세영문학(Medieval English Literature)
초기미국문학연구(Studies in Early American Literature)
포스트모던미국시(Postmodern American Poetry)
포스트모던 문학연구(Studies in Postmodern Literature)
한국문학번역 (Korean Literature in English)
현대미국소설 I (Modern American NovelⅠ)
현대미국소설 II (Modern American Novel II)
현대주요미국소설 I (Major Modern American NovelsⅠ)
현대주요미국소설 II (Major Modern American Novels II)
현대 미국시 I (Modern American Poetry Ⅰ)
현대 미국 시 II (Modern American Poetry II)
현대미국주요시인연구Ⅰ(Major Modern American PoetsⅠ)
현대비평Ⅰ(Modern Literary CriticismⅠ)
현대비평 II (Modern Literary Criticism II )
현대영국소설Ⅰ (Modern British NovelⅠ)
현대영국소설Ⅱ (Modern British NovelⅡ)
현대영국희곡 I (Modern British DramaⅠ)
현대영국희곡 II (Modern British Drama II)