Prof. Nathan Tillman 사진
Prof. Nathan Tillman
최종 학위
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, University of Maryland, College Park
Korean studies, colonialism, Western classics and medieval studies


⚫ 소개:

Nathan Tillman earned his Ph.D. in comparative literature with a focus on rhetoric and writing at the University of Maryland, College Park, in 2019. He has taught writing, rhetoric, world literature, Western classical and medieval literature, and ESL/EFL writing and conversation at the university level in South Korea and the US. He researches Korean history, especially education during the colonial period, and comparative classical cultures. 

⚫ 최종 학력: Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, University of Maryland, College Park

⚫ 주요 연구 분야: 

Korean studies, colonialism, Western classics and medieval studies

주요 논문 및 저서: 


1. “‘Our Hidden Revenge’: Anti/Colonial Rhetorics at a Korean Women’s College Graduation, 1918.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, forthcoming 2023.


2. “Book Review: Katarzyna J. Cwiertka (2012) Cuisine, Colonialism, and Cold War: Food in Twentieth-Century Korea, Reaktion Books (London).” Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, vol. 20, no. 1, 2021, pp. 107110.


3. "Performative Educational Rhetorics at a Korean Women’s College During Japanese Occupation, 19301943.” Rhetoric Review, vol. 39, no. 2, 2020, pp. 142158.